July 8, 2019

July 8 – July 13 TF Chamber Weekly Bulletin

Three Forks Chamber of Commerce

Meeting agendas and meeting minutes can be viewed online.

Please follow the link below to see current and historical agendas and meeting minutes.

This Week’s Chamber Happenings and Highlighted Chamber Businesses!

To renew your Three Forks Chamber Membership, please click on this link


It’s fast, easy and convenient!!

Three Forks Chamber of Commerce Meeting – Monday, July 8th

At noon at City Hall!

Everyone welcome and encouraged to attend!!

Headwaters Heritage Museum / Three Forks Area Historical Society

The Three Forks Area Historical Society will NOT meet the first Thursday of July (July 3rd) due to the holiday. They will meet on Thursday, July 11th. As always, the meeting is open to everyone and begins at 7pm at the Methodist Church annex. Refreshments will follow the meeting. Come and get involved in the Society’s summer events and be “in the know” about the progress of the depot’s renovation. The museum curator will give a report on recent donations, including desks from the Trident School and an old Indian doll!

Three Forks Rodeo Arena

TF Rodeo Meeting – Monday, July 8th at 6:30pm at the Rodeo Grounds Cookshack

Headwaters Area Food Bank

Food Bank Meeting – Tuesday, July 9th at 4:15pm at Industrial Automation Consulting

Three Forks Chamber of Commerce Farmer’s Market

Thursday, July 11th – 4pm – 7pm in Milwaukee Park! Come and join the fun and browse all the great artisan gifts and fresh garden vegetables. Food will be available, so plan to come have dinner! Fun Bucks drawing at every Farmer’s Market!

Whitetail Ranch Center

Please visit the TF Chamber Website to see the details on Reboot Combat Recovery. This is a 12-week course focusing on the spiritual aspects of combat recovery. www.threeforksmontana.com            

First Security Bank

Community Appreciation Lunch – Friday, July 19th – 11am – 2pm! Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy the BBQ! There will be a bouncy house for the kids and prize giveaways!

Three Forks Youth Recreation Task Force


Three Forks Youth Recreation Task Force is actively seeking volunteers to act on our board. To keep this summer program at minimal costs to our families, they are looking for parents and/or guardians that want to help keep this program running. They meet once a month. Their busiest times for board members are February through May.  If you can help for a few months or all year, we would love it!! More hands equal less work and more creative ideas for the program!!

Three Forks Chamber of Commerce Rodeo Dayz Parade Form and Vendor Form

Please visit the Chamber website to download the 2019 Rodeo Parade Form and the Rodeo Dayz Vendor Form @ www.threeforksmontana.com.

2019 Rodeo Events Include:

                Farmer’s Market & Stick Horse Derby – Thursday, July 18th 5-7 pm

                First Security Bank Community Appreciation Lunch – Friday July 19th, 11am – 2pm. Everyone welcome!

                NRA Rodeo & Street Dance Friday Night July 19th (Rodeo at 7pm)

                TF Volunteer Fireman’s Breakfast Saturday, July 20th 6:30 – 10:30 am

                Three Forks Ambulance Lunch – Following the Parade at the Ambulance Building

Parade Saturday, July 20th 11 am – 2019 Rodeo Parade theme – “A Western Celebration of Our Community Volunteers”

                Street Fair Saturday, July 20th – beginning at 9:00am

                NRA Rodeo & Street Dance Saturday Night, July 20th (Rodeo at 7pm)

                Car Show fundraiser for the Headwaters Area Food Bank – Saturday, July 20th

                TF Chamber Magic Show following the parade on Main Street – Saturday, July 20th

                The Rodeo Dayz Committee is looking for volunteers to help with parade registration and parade judging.                Please contact Jack or Ranee Berg at Chiropractic Clinic of Three Forks if you would like to help for a   couple hours on Parade Day! It’s a whole lotta fun!!

Looking Ahead…

Headwaters Bank Run 5k/10k/Half Marathon Walk/Run – July 27th!

Rockin The Rivers – August 9 – 11 at the Bridge near Sappington!

Three Forks Chamber Member July 2019 Advertising and Promotions!

Visit www.threeforksmontana.com/News for details.

This Week’s Highlighted Chamber Businesses!

Three Forks Automotive

104 Main Street

Three Forks, MT 59752


Plan to see Paul at Three Forks Automotive for all your vehicle repair and maintenance needs! He’s conveniently located right in town and ready to get provide the best vehicle repair and maintenance service possible!

Stockman Bank – Manhattan

100 E Wooden Shoe Lane

Manhattan, MT 59714


Stockman Bank is proud to serve the financial needs of our community by providing personal, business, agricultural and real estate banking services. Stockman’s tagline, “Montana Banking. Pure & Simple,” is a good indication of the dedication you can expect from their team. Whether you are buying, building, refinancing, or opening a checking account, they are ready to work hard for all your needs and provide you with exceptional customer service!

            Harmon Enterprises Construction Inc

                10 3rd Ave East

                Three Forks



                [email protected]

                Harmon Enterprises specializes in residential construction, roofing, and repairs. They are an insured & registered           Montana contractor that is local, reliable, and reasonable! Call for a free estimate today for roofing, siding, framing,      remodels, additions, and new homes.

            Three Forks Market & RV Park

                510 South Hwy 2 West

                Three Forks, MT 59752


                Three Forks Market is your hometown full-service grocery store! The store has a wonderful deli/bakery, fresh meat,      fresh produce, frozen foods, and a wide variety of other grocery needs. Rick and Val offer a clean, bright, and friendly          shopping experience every day!

            Three Forks Saddlery

                221 South Main Street

                Three Forks, MT 59752


                Three Forks Saddlery has been a successful main street business for many years! They provide all your saddle, tack,      western clothing, and repair needs. Folks come from far and near to work with Joe and his staff at the “Saddle Shop”.                 They are just that well-known for their expertise with tack and saddle repairs and supplies.

            First Community Bank Three Forks

                120 S Montana

                Three Forks, MT 59752

                Phone 406-285-9999

                Fax 406-285-6602



                First Community Bank of Three Forks is your local full-service bank. They provide all areas of personal and business    banking. They are an equal housing lender, offering competitive rates.


Remember to shop and do business locally!

These great businesses are committed to providing the best hometown service & supplies in the area!

Featured Members

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